Solve Land Apps

複方使用手冊 1.0.0
Solve Land
本程式由方劑學專家梁頌名教授擔任顧問,涵蓋超過130種中醫常用複方,除列明功能、主治、處方成份外,更加入適應症、臨床資料及藥效藥理供中醫專業人士參考。此外,更設有臨床應用,按不同專科、疾病種類、病因建議不同的方藥,是中醫藥專業人士溫故知新的好工具,也是大眾常備的醫學用書。*本程式內所有方劑均列明出處,並由中醫師、中藥博士及方劑學教授編輯而成。如有任何建議與問題,歡迎與農本方聯絡,謝謝。The program consistsofprescriptions expert Professor Liang Songming as aconsultant,covering more than 130 kinds of Chinese medicinecommonly usedcompound, in addition to specified functions,indications,prescription ingredients, but also joined indications,clinical andpharmacological efficacy of Chinese medicineprofessionals forreference. It also has clinical applications,according todifferent specialties, types of diseases, etiologyrecommenddifferent herbs, Chinese medicine is a professionalrefresher goodtool, but also the public standing of medicalbooks. * This application provenance of all prescriptions are specifiedbyChinese medicine practitioners, Chinese medicine Dr. ProfessorFangJixue edit from. If you have any suggestions and questions, please contact thesidewith agriculture, thank you.